
28 Oct, 2023


Changelogs for astro sites.

Changesaw is an Astro plugin which allows you to create changelogs from your astro site’s content collections.

  • API endpoint ✅
  • Dark mode
  • Studio
  • Github action
  • Social sharing
  • Custom styling ✅
  • Code block styling ✅
  • Tailwind
  • Internationalization
  • View transitions
  • Dynamic OG images
  • Image loading


Changesaw takes inspiration from the astro starlight plugin. The codebase was used as a reference for patterns and features included in this plugin.


getting started

28 Oct, 2023

Installation & setup

Install the package:

pnpm install @changesaw/astro

Add the plugin in your to your astro.config.mjs file:

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  integrations: [
    // ...
      title: "Changesaw",
        "Astro Starlight, but for changelogs. An astro plugin for creating and managing your changelogs with markdown.",
      meta: {
        domain: "",
        domainTitle: "Astro Starlight, but for changelogs",
      logoPath: "/logo.webp",
      socials: {
        twitter: "",

Once you have set up your collections in src/content (see example), your project struture (with the routes injected by the plugin) should look like this:

|-- ...
|-- /src
|   |-- /content
|   |   |-- /authors/
|   |   |-- /changelogs/
|   |-- /index.astro
|   |-- /[id].astro
|   |-- /changelog
|   |-- |-- /latest.json



28 Oct, 2023

Custom CSS styling

Just like Astro’s Starlight, Changesaw allows you to add your own custom styles to apply to your changelog’s pages. Use the meta.customCSS field, in your config to define the paths you want added to your pages.

/* src/styles/custom-styles.css */
:root {
  --ch-primary-color: #d95204;
  --ch-secondary-color: #475569;

  --ch-navbar-color-bg: #f0f0f0ed;

  --ch-border-color: #e0e4e7;
  --ch-border-secondary-color: #e0e4e7;

  --ch-text-2xl: 1.5rem;

  /* code */
  --ch-code-bg-color: #f9f5d7;
  --ch-code-border-color: #618d62;
  --ch-code-single-quote-color-bg: #f3f3f3;
  --ch-code-border-color: #dcdcdc;

You can also stylize your changelog’s code elements. Astro comes with built-in support for shiki:

/* src/styles/custom-shiki.css */
/* */
:root {
  --astro-code-color-text: #ebdbb2;
  --astro-code-color-background: #32302f;
  --astro-code-token-constant: #82a497;
  --astro-code-token-string: #b0b325;
  --astro-code-token-comment: #928374;
  --astro-code-token-keyword: #f27b19;
  --astro-code-token-parameter: #423e3b;
  --astro-code-token-function: #fabd2f;
  --astro-code-token-string-expression: #9fa227;
  --astro-code-token-punctuation: #a89984;
  --astro-code-token-link: #423e3b;

Your custom styles can be added by listing their relative paths in your config:

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  integrations: [
    // ...
      // ...
      meta: {
        // ...
        customCSS: [
