Installation & setup

Install the package:

pnpm install @changesaw/astro

Add the plugin in your to your astro.config.mjs file:

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  integrations: [
    // ...
      title: "Changesaw",
        "Astro Starlight, but for changelogs. An astro plugin for creating and managing your changelogs with markdown.",
      meta: {
        domain: "",
        domainTitle: "Astro Starlight, but for changelogs",
      logoPath: "/logo.webp",
      socials: {
        twitter: "",

Once you have set up your collections in src/content (see example), your project struture (with the routes injected by the plugin) should look like this:

|-- ...
|-- /src
|   |-- /content
|   |   |-- /authors/
|   |   |-- /changelogs/
|   |-- /index.astro
|   |-- /[id].astro
|   |-- /changelog
|   |-- |-- /latest.json
